Monday, August 30, 2010


Tema Hari Kemerdekaan ke-53 2010” which is “1 Malaysia Menjana Transformasi“. I personally like this year, 2010 Malaysia Independence Day’s theme because for me, the idea of 1 Malaysia itself by bringing all multi-races Malaysians into one so-called “Bangsa Malaysia” is a great idea. And of course it will generate transformation because we’ll from now on working and walking together towards our country’s future. I hope the idea of 1 Malaysia will break the race barrier between multi-races in Malaysia, which I notice some of us still have. Whether you agree or not this idea, I think this is one of the ways to encourage unity among multi-races in Malaysia. Well, different people have different perspective and I admit that. The only question now, are we ready for changes?

I’ll let you think about it.


Due to request from others, I have tried to search for “Logo Hari Kemerdekaan ke-53 2010″ and “Lagu Rasmi Hari Kemerdekaan ke-53″ and I’ve found out the following information for you.

Here is the logo for this year 2010 Malaysia Independent Day celebration.

Lyric of this year Malaysia Independent Day celebration’s official song is as below.

Berdiri teguh di bumi nyata
Untuk Semangat Satu Malaysia
Sepakat Rakyat Didahulukan
Pencapaian Diutamakan
Perpaduan Merapat-rapat
Toleransi kaum amalan bersama
Kejayaan kita bangunkan Satu Malaysia
Dalam capai satu tujuan
Tanggungjawab kita semua
Jadi teras bangsa mulia
Kita bina Satu Malaysia
Satu Malaysia jadi pegangan
Rukun negara teras panduan
Satu Malaysia benteng negara
Rakyat Malaysia taat setia
[Ulang Korus 2x]
Satu Malaysia untuk semua
Pencipta Lagu : Nik Nizam
Penulis Lirik : Lokgha

Logo and official song lyric are credited to MalaysiaMerdeka ( You can download this lyric and mp3 format of this song here.

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